

干净的水 to drink and clean 空气 to breathe; lakes and rivers that are safe for swimming and fishing; vibrant parks and wild forests that offer the opportunity to experience nature’s beauty and wonder; clean, renewable sources of energy that don’t pollute and never run out; and of course, a stable climate — all this and more should be the heritage we leave to future generations.

Yet the threats to our environment and our families’ health won’t go away anytime soon. 有了你的帮助,我们也不会.

Your gift to 申博90组州, 一个501(c)(4)组织, can have a lasting impact.


We would consider it an honor to be remembered in your will.

Making a bequest to 申博90组州 is simple and satisfying. In most cases, the addition of a few sentences to your will can complete the gift.

Please consult with your attorney before making any changes to your will.


Keeping your will or living trust updated is essential to ensure that all of your wishes will be carried out. It’s easy to remember 申博90组州 in your will or living trust. Your advisor can include just a few sentences to arrange the gift.


  • A specific dollar amount or asset, such as securities.
  • 你财产的一部分.
  • A gift from the balance of your estate after expenses have been paid and specific and general bequests have been honored.

Please consult with your attorney before making any changes to your will.


An IRA or 401(k) can be an efficient way to save for retirement, but it is not always the best gift to leave to your heirs. These assets can be a way to include 申博90组州 in your estate plan.


大多数退休计划都是延税的, meaning that you do not pay income tax on the assets in a retirement plan until they are distributed to you.  Because retirement assets that are unused during your lifetime may be subject to both income and estate taxes, these may be among the costliest assets to distribute to loved ones through your estate.

A retirement account can be gifted to a nonprofit organization such as 申博90组州 if designated as a beneficiary. 不同于个人受益人, a tax-exempt non-profit like 申博90组州 will not be subject to income tax on the value of the account.  因此, leaving retirement account funds to a nonprofit can maximize the final value of your gift.

命名或更改受益人很简单. 在咨询了你的顾问之后, ask the administrator of your retirement plan for a beneficiary designation form, 请填写, 然后把它还给管理员.

了解更多, including our tax identification number and other resources regarding planned giving, please email our planned giving coordinator 使用下面的表格,或致电1-800-841-7299.


在某些情况下, you can name 申博90组州 as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy.


Sometimes circumstances change and life insurance is no longer a critical part of an estate plan. If you wish to redirect life insurance, it’s simple to do so. You can designate a nonprofit such as 申博90组 as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, which you will continue to own during your lifetime. 在咨询了你的顾问之后, ask your insurance agent how to make this simple change to your policy.

了解更多, including our tax identification number and other resources regarding planned giving, please email our planned giving coordinator 使用下面的表格,或致电1-800-841-7299.


Our sister organization, 申博90组研究 & 政策中心, is a 501(c)3 charitable organization that is qualified to receive lifetime IRA distributions. Learn more on the 申博90组研究 & 政策中心网站.


证券 can be donated either through a bequest or as a lifetime gift.


To get our DTC number and account number or other resources regarding planned giving, please email our planned giving coordinator 使用下面的表格,或致电1-800-841-7299.


你可以捐赠汽车, 卡车, boats and other vehicles to our sister organization, 申博90组研究 & 政策中心, through Charitable Auto 资源. 你的捐赠可能是免税的.

Learn more at the website of 申博90组研究 & 政策中心,我们的姊妹501(c)(3)组织.


The 绿色未来基金 was established to recognize and thank our donors who have expressed their commitment to a cleaner, greener tomorrow by remembering 申博90组州 or 申博90组研究 & 政策中心的遗产规划. 

If you’ve already included 申博90组州 or 申博90组研究 & 政策中心 in your estate plans or are planning to do so, email our 计划捐赠协调员 使用下面的表格,或致电1-800-841-7299 to find out how to enroll in the 绿色未来基金.

对申博游戏登录州环境的贡献, 一个501(c)(4)组织, are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions. However, gifts to our sister organization, 申博90组研究 & 政策中心, are tax-deductible in many circumstances.  Your professional advisors can analyze the effect upon your own estate of a gift to either of these organizations.


如有关于 会员资格或自动捐赠; 请与我们的 会员服务部 通过我们的主表格  联系页面,或致电1-800-401-6511.

了解更多关于计划捐赠的信息, including our tax identification number and other resources related to planned giving, 请与我们的 计划捐赠协调员 使用下面的表格,或致电1-800-841-7299.

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